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Kaliningrad Region Government

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; map scanning and calibration; data processing and transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, UrbaniCS

Kaliningrad City Administration

Data structure projecting; development of custom-tailored user applications for GIS-based assets management monitoring; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, UrbaniCS, UtilityGuide, CS GIS Engine

Tyumen Regional Administration

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; development of customized applications; map scanning and calibration; data re-engineering and transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, UrbaniCS, CS GIS Engine

Tyumen City Administration

Data structure projecting; development of custom-tailored user applications for GIS-based assets management monitoring; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, UtilityGuide

Moscow Regional Administration

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; development of custom-tailored applications; map scanning and calibration; data re-engineering and transfer; development of technology for data replication among distributed servers; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive

Moscow City Government

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; development of custom-tailored applications; data transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, RoadGuide

Mytischy City Administration (Moscow Region)

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; development of custom-tailored applications; map scanning and calibration; data re-engineering and transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, UrbaniCS

Novosibirsk City Administration

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; development of custom-tailored applications; map scanning and calibration; data re-engineering and transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, UrbaniCS

Tyumen Regional Motorway Maintenance and Management Department

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; development of custom-tailored applications; data transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, RoadGuide

Domodedovo City District Administration

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data re-engineering and transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, UrbaniCS

Moscow Center for Infrastructural Projects

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; data transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, EnerGuide

Smolenskenergo Power Supply Organization

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; development of custom-tailored applications; data transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, EnerGuide

Yantarenergo Power Supply, Kaliningradteploset Heating Supply, Kaliningradgazificatsya Gas Supply, Kaliningradvodokanal Water Supply Organizations (Kaliningrad)

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; development of custom-tailored applications (EnerGuide, GazGuide, HeatGuide, WaterGuide); RasterDesk-assisted map scanning and calibration (CSoft’s authoring tool); data re-engineering and transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, UtilityGuide

Dushanbevodokanal – Dushanbe Water Supply Plant (Tajikistan)

In-depth study and analysis of Customer’s business and informational flows; data structure projecting; development of custom-tailored applications (WaterGuide); RasterDesk-assisted map scanning and calibration (CSoft’s authoring tool); data re-engineering and transfer; customer’s staff training; technical support.

Solutions delivered: Oracle Database, CS MapDrive, WaterGuide

11.02.2010  CS MapDrive version
15.06.2009  CS MapDrive version
02.04.2009  CS MapDrive version
04.03.2009  CS GIS Engine version
26.12.2008  CS GIS Engine version
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